Almost finished the Blog page!!!

I know it still is rough but I cannot spare more time on this page this week. Hopefully I will do some editing in time to use it as a journal of our next trip.


I have always been a believer in lifelong learning. Unfortunately, this year has been a very busy one for the old braincells and this course presents me with some fears.

My biggest challenge is to ensure that what I learn adds value to my life or my work skills so 'beginning with the end in mind' has so far eluded me.

The habit I have the least problem with is that I need to " accept the responsibility for my own learning"

So watch this space as I slowly crawl to the endpost.
Well, here goes. I have spent hours already on this VERY SIMPLE task of creating a Blog. Let's hope I master this learning curve eventually - nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Hopefully, I will manage to get the hang of things and be able to use this site as a journal of our travels - that gives me less than 3 weeks to become a proficient Blogger - no prob!

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